His statements were more about this guy disrupting the show apropos of nothing rather than the merits of his protest. Not saying Yorke handled it perfectly but he didn’t defend Israel or anything. Just seemed annoyed that the show was being interrupted
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Agreed. Also the article makes it clear Thom Yorke disavowed Netanyahu back in 2017. Thom Yorke has always struck me as a lefty, so it wouldn't surprise me if he's spoken out against the war on Gaza more recently too.
Whether he and Radiohead should totally write off performing in Israel entirely is worthy of debating I think. But some random Aussie interrupting their Australian show is somewhat of a bummer for the other attendees who likely paid an arm and a leg for tickets, and many ppl who go to concerts do so to have fun and forget about the world's ailments for an evening.
I don't endorse this comment any more than I endorse Trump or Netanyahu, but I won't downvote it.
Did I just disavow your comment?
Agreed. Alll Israeli money is blood money. Also, why should the population that supports (80%) and celebrates genocide ever know another moments peace?
I don't disagree, but that wasn't really the point I was making.
His comment didn't "disavow" Netanyahu in any way, just said they can play in places where they don't support the current leader. Are they also playing concerts in Russia? North Korea? Afghanistan?
They obviously draw a line somewhere.
Fair enough. Definitely a good point to make.
This is the music equivalent of the protesters who throw tomato soup on important artwork.
I don't even have a problem with the cause, but if there is no thematic or substantive link, the protester is just a time and attention thief. They are non-consensually interfering with the agency of every person in that arena.
Do that at a Trump rally, or to protest a company's complicity, or whatever, but it's just lazy and narcissistic to interrupt collective consensual activities that aren't even relevant just to draw publicity to the cause, however worthy of attention otherwise.
"We don't endorse [Israeli Prime Minister] Netanyahu any more than Trump, but we still play in America. Music, art and academia is about crossing borders not building them,"
Amen brother