Eating with a fork straight out of the Teflon pan? Carry on.
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"I am so upset, I put my leg down from chair..."
I had to double check that this was posted to the right community. Checks out. Carry on.
It looks greasy, has meat, is probably salty. Edible. Carry on.
Assuming that the noodles are hopefully cooked, all this is missing is a proper sauce and some greens.
That doesn't look like sausage
Looks like chopped frankfurter.
Meat... chips...
Mom: We have pasta carbonara at home
Pasta carbonara at home:
I like how you used the serrated blade to mimic the ridged pattern in the pasta.
best comment
Pasta=Greek origin
Noodles=Germanic origin
Noodles are from Asia and pasta is European (Italian).
I'll grudgingly accept that Americans call spaghetti 'noodles', but calling all pasta 'noodles' is frankly ludicrous and simply wrong because thay are made differently.
Pasta, example as shown in the picture, of European origin is made from durum wheat.
Annectdotally I think this is the first time I've seen Italian pasta (not spaghetti form) called noodles, so I would believe this is a localised colloquialism or very much a minority thing.
This is a very anglo-centric viewpoint as, belive it or not, but there are noodles that are neither Italian nor Asian. I'm German and we have noodles that definitely aren't pasta. The word noodle (Nudel) has for ages been used to describe all sort of boiled/steamed doughs. I don't think anyone would describe a Dampfnudel as asian.
This is probably also why OP called it "noodle". They're German, using a german word for it's intended purpose
I specified European multiple times. 'Italian' used in brackets as we were both looking at Rigatoni tubes and Italian pasta is the synonymous pasta type when you think of pasta.
That has nothing to do with 'anglo-centrism'.
Am American. To me, just casually, a noodle is a long pasta that can be spun up when cooked and pasta is a a smaller unit of the same food in another shape. So regardless of origin, I think of udon, spaghetti, and linguine all as noodles, but bowtie/penne/rigatoni etc as pastas. An exception are probably egg noodles, which are short but still noodles.