"I don't like it when people find out what I really think"
I like NMS but it's just about the opposite of the polished writing that the first 2.75 Mass Effect games delivered.
That's a good point, but at least the views would reflect those of the majority rather than being algorithmically-manipulated as on Twitter or Facebook.
"I'd rather watch a YouTube video by some rando rather than read an actual news article," said no one ever.
Posted on Twitter. That'll show Elon!
Isn't it weird how much harder it is for them to tip the scales on Lemmy and Mastodon, platforms without algorithms designed by right-wing billionaires?
He made one tweet
A tweet and then several posts form the official Proton account. Furthermore his comments were so obviously badly informed both about the US government and the nature of his userbase that he clearly lacks the critical thinking to run the company.
Also because no one mentioned them yet, Filen is great as a Drive replacement, and unlike Proton they have a Linux app.
What a coincidence, Trump's loyalty purge email was titled "A fork in the road" https://www.opm.gov/fork
It seems very reckless to have studdingsails out in those conditions... Bad seamanship.
Other than myself I only know one other person who has quit Facebook over this, so I very much doubt that advertisers will stay away. It took a lot more for them to leave Twitter, even after Elon told them to fuck off and sued them for not advertising on his platform.
The article doesn't show the full data but there's probably a good chunk of "don't know / not sure" in that 22%.