So there’ll be mandatory age verification for accessing social media? I’m sure they’ll have robust firewalls to ensure that your identification data isn’t passed to the sites or their advertising partners. I’m equally sure that the police will have access to this data on day 1, and everybody from the tax office to local council will have it within a year.
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I know right -_-
Banning everyone under 16 from using YouTube really is the peak of stupidity amongst this bullshit.
YouTube literally has a restricted kids mode…
Ahh yes. The government telling the teenagers they aren't allowed to use social media will convince them to hold off tiktok until they are mature enough. I see no flaws in this policy.
This. All it’s going to do is grab personal information from everyone and leak it. KOSA 2
Not a good day to be a child in an abusive household who gets their support online, I guess.
I swear Labor's policy making is to find the stupidest idea possible and then enact it.
Cheers. It always gives me an AMP link on mobile