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The admin talked about it here
TL;DR: This instance wants to federate with everyone as much as possible. You can block hexbear communities if you'd like.
I have like 60 communities blocked by now but it feels nice to make my own choices.
Many people are very triggered in that post and I don't get it.
No platform is gonna have only decent users and only content you agree with. Resorting to defederation from any instance that is offensive to some people just damages what lemmy is trying to be tbh.
Eventually instances following that mindset will be isolated because there's always someone out there who wants to impose their own content curation (like no NSFW, no politics, no trolling, no memes, etc...)
Users should make the calls for what they want to see on an individual level. Thanks to the admin for sticking to fair policies.
I blocked hexbear, but commenters still show up in non-hexbear threads. Is this a bug, or do I just have to deal with it?
Fuck, prime lemmy is done. It's all downhill from here folks
I am watching instances on the fediverse once again fall into the trappings of giving too much benefit of the doubt/giving too much commitment to some flawed notion of “free speech” and all I can think about is how that is 90% of what ruins any quality community that starts gaining traction online.
If this is the road we’re going down we may as well leave now. I’m tired of seeing this happen over and over again. 
Admins: y’all need to be more liberal with the ban hammer. You also need to defederate from communities that are so blatantly toxic and fucked up. There are enough people out there now that we don’t need to be hanging out with literally any person who expresses interest in the fediverse. It’s time to exercise a little bit of discernment. Your generosity will be used against you like a cudgel. Make no mistake.
Defederate. It’s the right call.
No I don't know why. What have they done to you?
Why? They think my jokes are funny.
Maybe I'm just living under a rock but I hadn't even heard of, let alone seen, Hexbear prior to this post and had to do a search to see what you were talking about. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
They're absolutely harmless, and I don't understand the recent hubbub. Their culture is a bit strange, but they mostly seem to just want to shitpost about politics in peace. They won't bother you unless you say "defederate hexbear" 3 times in a mirror, and then they swarm, I think just wanting hugs or something.
All I see from there is random word spam that all have a link to stupid images from there.
That's why I want it de-federated.
Just because they speak a different language, doesn't to me feel like a reason to defederate. They also seem to be fairly self-policing.
For instance they like to perform what they call "dunking" which I believe originates from a collective idolization of Michael Jordan.
However, they keep posting reminders to one another to not bring the "pig poop balls" to other instances, as to not offend outsiders. They use the acronym PPB, and I think it has something to do with a lack of fecal hygiene being a large spreader of disease.
This comment section is a prime example. They brigade every single post about China/Russia or about them, and if you find one there are ten others there as well. If you think lemmygrad is bad, hexbear is way worse.
I'm sure these comments will be normal
I'm actually pretty confused, because according to hexbear, they're not federated with but when I view this post from my sh.itjust account, i see WAAAAAY more comments...