Be right back, gonna wake up Ordelo.
Damn, Ordelo's got hands.
Just kinda more of the same. At least Aki's fight was pretty cool.
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Be right back, gonna wake up Ordelo.
Damn, Ordelo's got hands.
Just kinda more of the same. At least Aki's fight was pretty cool.
Wow, you REALLY have to turn your brain off for this episode and just enjoy the mayhem.
"We won't fail" "Oh no, we failed!"
The fact that Jun's Brother seems to expect Ordela to go out of control makes me a LITTLE bit hopefully for some semblance of plot forming in the next episodes.
Some of the jokes were silly but enjoyable. Hikaru basically asking the bad guy to wait. Doc Glasses being slightly less useless. We even get more of the Chunibyo with a Chaingun! But the fights are the real reason this show exists at all.
How nice of Ordela to stop rampaging for all this other stuff to happen though, right?