And Finally...
A place for odd or quirky world news stories.
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- The Internet will resurface old "And finally..." material. Just mark it [VINTAGE]
Wouldn't mind, frog is tasty. Could've been better if it's a side dish instead of putting it on pizza.
Aight i change my mind.
I'm not sure if basilisk is edible or not.
I had a pizza with hotdogs on it in Japan. They were cut longways. That was pretty bad, but this is a fucking crime.
This must be what other countries feel when they see stuff like this:
Started as an April's fools' joke, became reality shotly after.
I wanna try both of those
As the pizza with fish fingers was only a limited edition, they released the official recipe.
Awesome, thanks! I coincidentally looked for help in reverse engineering another Dr. Oetker pizza a couple of days ago, but this is much simpler.
For what it's worth this brand is pretty good. I only get Margherita and put my own toppings on them, but they're my go-to for frozen pizza.
And God looked upon his creations…and wept
Euuuww, I’m not eating that, it’s got coriander on it.
Crunchy Frog. What's their next flavor, Spring Surprise?
Lark's vomit?
one guesses it would take a long time to prepare, what with the gradually increasing temperature in order to stop the frog from hopping out.
[Speculative joke] Customers were ribbited upon first seeing it but were very hoppy once trying it.
Pizza Hut. Release this in the U.S., cowards.
I would eat that so hard