Lana Backwards
this post was submitted on 27 Nov 2024
30 points (91.7% liked)
Anime and Pics
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A community dedicated to the discussion of anything surrounding:
- Anime
- Manga/Manhwa
- Light/Graphic Novels
- Visual novels
- And hentai.
While we may be called Anime and Pics, it doesn't have to be a Picture! Asking about your favorite anime, new episodes, new chapters, or latest games are encouraged!
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NSFW Rules:
- Anything safe for the public is considered SFW. (Swimsuits, croptops, cosplay etc.)
- Everything else; lingerie, panties, bras are NSFW and should be tagged as such.
- If you are unsure if it is SFW or not, err on the side of caution and mark it as NSFW.
- No politics/conspiracies
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- There is zero tolerance for trolls, assholes, unsolicited bots, deliberately off-topic content, or novelty accounts. If you are any of these, and act as such, or encourage any of the above or any other violations, you will be banned.
- Doujinshi is allowed and encouraged! Show us your best (or worst) artwork!
- Moderators have the last say on all matters but will attempt to be fair
- This community follows the general Code of Conduct
- We have a bot called
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founded 2 years ago
This is very skilled execution of color and line. However it’s very bad anatomy. Lina Inverse has dislocated her spine, and her ribs are impacting her pelvis. I get the desire to see ass and titties in the same picture, but bodies don’t fold that way. Next time show two women in complimentary poses.
Oh, we used to watch Lina Inverse, pretty cool streamer.
This reeks of bad anatomy though, I'm pretty sure bodies can't twist that way.