Photos of long, articulated vehicles turning like this are always so pretty. There's something about them, but I don't know what it is, that makes them aesthetically pleasing, at least to me.
Trams, Trolleys and Streetcars
A Community for the interessting world of Trams, Trolleys and Streetcars!
Edinburgh hell yeah i really need to try out the trams there
My wife interviewed for a job there. Was pretty excited, but the weather scared her away. Can't blame her, but I want to go back soon.
Our busses were super cheap anyway; am not sure what benefits the tram brings really except making it very easy to get to Murrayfield a few times a year. Come visit our town anyway though; bit grey, but we're friendly when you get to know us.
I live in a place where people oppose to the construction of tram lines, so all I can hear is their usual complaints and criticism.
It MuSt CaUsE sO mUcH CoNgEsTiOn! TrEes MuSt HaVe BeEn CuT fOr ThIs LiNe. AnD ThUs TrAmS ArE BaD FoR ThE eNvIrOnMeNt! ThEy tAkE pArKInG SpAcES aWaY! LoOk aT aLl tHoSe UgLy WirEs! ThEy dOn'T WoRk In WiNtEr! PuBLiC tRaNsIt iS YuCk! ThIS sPaCe CouLd bE uSeD bY ReAl PeOpLe WiTh CaRs!
Aaah, North America!