Putin should be more worried about Ukraine. Fuck Putler
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This is about Ukraine.
You raid places where military age males congregate, lock as many as you can up on whatever chargers you can, then offer them a deal. Or just ship them out. What are they going to do about it?
Isn’t autocracy grand?
Yeah, I realized that's probably what they're doing.
Putin isn’t worried about having the gays in his army?
They probably won’t be in the army for long.
Do you think with state sanctioned oppression, there aren't closeted gays pretty much everywhere? Just because they are less visible doesn't mean they don't exist in all walks of life.
As the other connebter mentioned, it's likely a way to force recruitment. The higher ups don't really care about sexuality or religion. It's a tool of oppression.
Probably a good cause for asylum seeking.