Well the last round of transfers didn't happen because Israel didn't uphold it's agreement. They would have released them otherwise.
Tankies run on hypocrisy.
VW, why?
Or you can stop throwing buckets of paint over our border?
You’re the ones fucking threatening to invade us.
Does anyone feel like the worlds rapidly heading into a new era and no one is trying to actually stop it?
I couldn’t even imagine what even dumber Americans would look like.
The archbishop of New Orleans’ bankrupt Roman Catholic archdiocese on Thursday abruptly fired and replaced top leaders at a church-affiliated food bank, with those dismissed saying it was because the non-profit refused to contribute to paying survivors of child sexual abuse by clergymen.
At least they're not morally bankrupt for once.
Hasn’t this basically been the only growth in western countries for decades now? I didn’t know any western or first world country had a positive birth rate.
China loves Nazis.