I'm scared...
Shitty Food Porn
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I had a vegetarian quesadilla with pineapple and broccoli a few times. Delicious as fuck. Sad the restaurant stopped making it. I only stopped going because they changed their margaritas recipe and they suck now
First they put in on quesadillas, next they're going to put it on pizza or something, you'll see.
what is it? the sauce and toppings?.
It looks like pineapple to me, but .. that can't be right.
Did they immediately bring you the check after? Maybe they were trying to get rid of you.
Served up a plate of gtfo.
I never thought of pineapple on a burrito. Next time I make one I definitely going to add pineapple. Seems really good.
Midwest cheese water burritos are so sad.
Ok, maybe it was a pastor cheese burrito?
That's all I got. It's still disgusting thinking about.
i would have looked them dead in the eye, said no, and walked out. there's no coming back from actually being presented something like that.
Not that I need it, but remind me never to visit Virginia.
Sorry for your lack of a great cuisine. Fine Mexican food is, imho, one of the things in life that make it worth living.