Last night was one of those crazy nights, where nothing is what it seems.
My boyfriend arrived over the holidays, and thus I no longer sleep alone, this is important later in the story.
It all started with the first dream I had, which was yet another school anxiety dream (the third time in a row) I will not elaborate on as it is simply too boring.
I woke up from this dream as my bf has the tendency to shake in his sleep…
Sad that I dreamed once again about school, I was hellbent on at least having some other adventure.
Whilst awake, I started thinking how I'd “fix” this dream to steer it in another direction if I were lucid. Simply closing my eyes and running through a wall towards my goal would've done it.
I drifted away on my thoughts as I started to fall asleep again, this time, I ended up in my house — though in the strangest way my mind allowed me to imagine.
The interior was back in the past, dated somewhere between 2007-2009. But outside the house was a very strange dimension — it was full of geometric shapes, colorful pathways and hills. The sky was pink, and the clouds were fixed in the air and did not move.
My mom and I were both downstairs when a letter arrived in the mail. I grabbed a piece of paper that had no envelope and unfolded it — immediately, it piqued my interest.
On the top of the paper, it read “MTES-1”, followed by “A standardized test for learning a single spell”.
The rest of the paper talked about that the lessons were about to start and that you can join if you wanted to.
With the paper in my hand, I said, “Mom I have to go get some stuff”, which was obviously a lie, but it was to talk my way out of the house…
The strangest thing happened, my mom rushed to the front door and stopped me from getting out.
“Why don't you let me go,” I asked. “I'm only going to get a few things”, I persisted the lie.
“You're not learning that, it is way too dangerous for you…!”, my mom exclaimed while guarding the front door.
I was shocked! For a moment, she didn't seem like my mom, she did look the same, but had an entirely different character, as if something that is making the dreams decided to step out of character to protect something secret…
Another thing that shocked me was that she knew I was lying, something that never happened before in a lucid dream.
I tried to get out, but it didn't work, “she” really kept the door shut. At some point, I had another dream where instead I decided to make the paper reappear and take it from there. Sadly, once I made the paper appear in my hand again, it was different, now it was more like a contract. It still had the same kind of information, but now there was a list of ingredients one had to bring before going to the lesson (there were 2, but I don't recall which ones that were), and one had to pay 2300 euros upfront, not exactly the inviting deal I got before.
Aside from not being able to work, it was really eerie to see dream characters turn 180 degrees and seemingly behave as if a puppet master is stepping in to correct things.
Somehow that is what made me grateful of this dream, the challenge, the feelings, it got me thinking, though I will likely try to get my hands on the first letter again in some dream later!