Stop talking about the insurance CEO. Remember UFOs? Those are wacky and fun. Let's talk about UFOs again instead!
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When something is unidentified, it's baffling by default.
Naw, I can get pretty loud about weird stuff.
We don't know anything and ask for information from everyone.
No we won't share any of our information with you back, get rekt.
BTW the drones over NJ and the UK are not a threat. Also we don't know what they are.
"how curious, what a strange coincidence" 😆
At least some of them are our own highly classified projects.
Compartmentalization is a thing.
My understanding is the way some of these things hover and rapidly move in a direction is unlike anything we know when it comes to flight and propulsion, especially for their size.
That's assuming they actually move as described, and it's not an illusion because the observer is also moving, or is trying to gauge speed or direction of an object against the sky, with no visual references. The human eye is pretty bad at that.
So, I may or may not sound like a crazy person here but...
I fully believe that something that has been called the 'TR-3b' is absolutely real, and is such a highly classified craft... though different people use different names.
I've seen this thing multiple times, once hovering only a hundred feet or so over ... whatever the exact building/hangar near the 'Fly Away Cafe' at Boeing Field in Seattle is.
Large, equilateral triangular craft. Basically the size of that entire hangar, if you want to measure it on google maps or something.
Has a thruster near each point of the triangle, and a larger ... glowing something or other in the center.
The theory is that it uses some kind of extremely advanced, exotic method to ... not entirely negate gravity, but functionally reduce the weight and this felt inertia of the craft by about 90%.
This enables it to hover and loiter for extremely long periods of time, and also make sudden accelerations... as, if this is theory is true.... it functionally has a star trek style inertial dampener.
This is of course an artist rendition, but it most accurately captures what I've seen (though every time I saw it, it was hovering level, the tilt here is so you can get a good grasp of what it looks like)
Of course, if you look into this, take everything you read with an entire fistful of salt.
Not only are there tons of cranks and wannabe ufologists adding in nonsense details, but it has been shown that the military will absolutely engane in intentional disinformation to keep things even more confused.
I would say if it was so highly classified you wouldn’t have seen it. There’s a lot of room on this planet to hide aircraft like that and zipping it around Seattle is probably not the best idea lol
That's true, but it also takes a lot of staffing for these projects, and these people don't generally want to be isolated like Los Alamos, they want to have normal lives. Even Area 51 isn't that far from Vegas.
A few of the times I've seen it included friends and bystanders who also saw the same thing at the same time and place.
Could it be of some other origin? Sure, I guess, but that seems like an even more fantastical explanation to me.
I'm just going with an explanation that has at least some backing of documentation and discussion in the publications revolving around military aircraft technology, as well as patents.
To me this seems the least implausible, it seems more plausible than explanations that have basically 0 technical documentation.
Could I be wrong about what this thing is? Could all or some of this documentation be wrong or intentionally misleading?
Of course.
But there at least is a bit of a paper trail.
"Finally admits"
Is... isn't that the entire point of UFOs.
There's objects I can't identify, and objects the government can't identify.
Yeah they have no idea.