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The original was posted on /r/onepunchman by /u/rapidshells on 2024-12-20 00:00:01+00:00.
Blast is a member of a famous alliance of the strongest fighters in the galaxy. It was originally formed hundreds of years ago to protect each other's planets from any threat.
At some point however, they would be the ones to create God and the cubes. The plan was to secretly create an ominous threat that could provide an unending amount of enemies. Why, you ask? Well it's because they were afraid and wanted an excuse to stall time and hide from Boros while pretending to be busy fighting a different threat to save face.
This is why neither Blast, nor anyone else confronted the Dark Matter Thieves to stop them while they were dominating planets, during the 20 year journey, or when city-A got bombed. They knew they'd get bodied. It's also why "Boris" is on their team, a member of Boros's race who's been ducking him for 20+ years cause he knows that's the goat.
God was designed to be a threat to normal beings but not the alliance, with most of his meatriders being easy for an alliance member to defeat, aside from Garou who is an anomaly and Void who is only that strong because of Garou. This way they could push their narrative without actually risking their lives. When Boros felt bad for Saitama and died, the alliance sighed in relief but now they have to clean up their own mess with God and the cubes.
I mean like come on, am I meant to believe that we got like 9 mfs who are casually stronger, but somehow never confronted Boros when he was searching for strong opponents for who knows how long, and one of the members is from the same planet as Boros? Yeah ok. They probably drafted Blast so they could have more people to help them run and hide using portals.
TLDR: Blast and his friends are a team of the strongest beings in the universe, but when Boros rose to power they got scared and created God so they could pretend to be busy fighting him and not look like frauds for hiding from Boros while he was Borosing the planets they were meant to protect.