History shows that the conquered are taught that they are free. When a nation or people are conquered, their 'liberators' begin the task of educating everyone about how the conquest is actually, 'liberation'; how the revolution that killed so many innocent people was actually for everyone's 'benefit'.
Every conqueror establishes institutions to mold the thoughts of his slaves into obedient thoughts. These obedience mills are called LIBERATION, EDUCATION, PATRIOTISM, and RELIGION.
Each class of slaves in each of its mills of mind molding believes himself to be superior to and 'freer' than the other slaves. If someone with a free mind points out their state of slavery the other slaves will consider him to be an insane troublemaker.
Every conqueror convinces each generation that theirs is freer and more enlightened than the prior generations. Then he educates them about the 'freedoms' that yet need to be won, always in line with his imperial agenda. He uses his mind molding mills to highlight the 'injustices' that people need to fight against, so they never fight against the actual conquest that has enslaved them to his imperial economy and trade. As long as the slaves fight against 'injustice' as defined by imperial parrots, the real injustice of the invisible conquest will never be addressed. The slaves will revel in their slavery.
Orwell was right:
Slavery is freedom.
Ignorance is strength.
@[email protected]
#Freedom #Liberty #Slavery #Imperialism #Brainwashing #Patriotism #Religion #Education