i already had mastectomy, can i get 10k for being handsome?
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You can run a 10k whenever you want, man. I believe in you!
Well, how handsome are we talking, handsome?
not like conventional hot for sure, but on a good day i catch people turning their heads 😎👉👉
My dude 👉😎👉 Alas that I don't have 10k to hand over
I think that’s called modeling.
I've been wanting to prank my bestie le epic style and drop a cool 10k so she can get bottom, but I'm unfortunately still poor 😔 and so we play the waiting game.
Are we talking about money? If that's dollars/pounds/euros that seems like a lot.
Is this from a US context? 10k for a mastectomy seems insane :(
It was $7500 when I had it in 2012 so I'm sure $10k is on the low end nowadays.
Yep 😍
(I despise the system)
Can confirm this is the way
I'll see if I can figure out a way to leave you 10k when I kill myself 👍