It's such a shame that Google will no longer support a phone that is only 3 years old.
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They dropped their "Don't be evil"-claim for a reason, and that reason is lots and lots of cash.
I think part of this is that manufacturers don't want to keep writing drivers for every new Android release. Not an Android dev, but maybe Google's driver API is just not stable and keeps introducing breaking changes with every Android release, such that old drivers can't work anymore? But even then, I still don't get why that has to be the case. Linux still supports drivers for very ancient hardware.
Meanwhile desktop OSes can easily support 10+ years old hardware. So maybe Google should be putting some effort into standardizing mobile hardware and firmware enough to allow the same instead of ripping off their users. Maybe new laws that demand longer support time will force them to do that, but unfortunately I don't think the 5 years demanded by the EU will be enough.
That's actually exactly what they did and the reason that the new pixels (starting at 6) get 5 years of support.
It's not much but it's a start.
The whole effort is called project treble and has been underway for a loooong time. But it's really hard because it affects every single Android vendor.
But even then, I still don't get why that has to be the case. Linux still supports drivers for very ancient hardware.
Linux is kinda infamous for not having any stable driver interface - it doesn't really have a concept of drivers in the way Windows does, Linux drivers are just indistinguishable parts of the kernel and their only way to interact with the rest of the kernel is to use the internal kernel functions that have no stability guarantee.
The idea is that if someone wants to change any of the internal functions, they will also be expected to go and find all parts of the kernel that would be affected and update them to work with the change. That works great for "drivers" that are part of Linux, but it makes maintaining out-of-tree drivers a nightmare.
This isn't going to get any better until either Linux gets a stable driver API (fat chance) or SoC manufacturers decide to release their drivers under GPLv2 and go through the effort of mainlining them into the kernel (also a fat chance - current situation works great for them and guarantees more sales of new SoCs).
Nah, Project Treble separated the driver and system stuff years ago.
You can just add a new system image to your existing drivers and away you go.
Pixel 6 and newer have 5 years of security updates
Planned obsolescence. It's how you sell more product without innovation and move people into a eco system without completely bricking their phone, and innovation lol.
You don't need to be at the mercy of Google to keep your phone updated!
The whole point of having a Google phone is that you can easily flash it after its planned obsolescence date.
Calyx os
oh yea that custom rom prolonged the life of my trusty Pixel 3
I'd say Graphene, but that tends to end support for non-google supported devices due to firmware security
GrapheneOS is cool but that's beside the point I think, as they stop their extended support for end-of-life models once a new major Android version comes out, and since Android 14 is very close to come out of beta...
🤔 -Sent from my Pixel 3
😎 - agreed from my Pixel 3 XL
I actually think the pixel 3 is underrated it's basically the same size as a pixel 4 a but it has better chip and the glass build and the squeeze for assistant functionality. No headphone Jack though and stuck on android 12.
But still I often recommend it to people that really don't have much money and need something in a pinch . Got a pixel 3 for $70 on woot. I absolutely love the texture. Unfortunately I think the version I have cannot use a custom rom so it's definitely dated. But I think it's still basically fine to use.
I don't think I would have loved to pay 8 or $900 for it at MSRP when it came out but at 70 bugs it's fucking amazing
I got a headphone jack on my 3a
Install a rom that continues to receive updates
Disclaimer: I’m a 15 year iPhone owner, so I don’t have practical experience with this, but this is the angle I’d be researching, were in your situation. Or considering an iPhone, lol, Apple is still updating 10 year old phones. Of course, I don’t expect this crowd to take that last comment seriously ;)
Apple is still updating 10 year old phones. Of course, I don’t expect this crowd to take that last comment seriously ;)
Least smug Apple user
Nothing but love. I know better than to think I’m going to convince anyone. And honestly, I think everyone has the right to personal preference.
My dude, I'm right there with you.
It's all down to preferences. I hate iOS, but only for myself. I can't stand using it, I don't like the way iPhones are designed, etc, etc. But (other than joking with friends), that's where it ends. This isn't a religion, we don't have to convert people lol.
Hell, I end up bitching about google's bullshit more than I go around praising android.
bro are u on the ipod touch or something
I haven’t used the same iPhone for 15 years… I upgrade every 4 years or so.
Tbh I know tons of people who use older phones that are way past any updates but work fine.
Not ideal but doesn't make the phone unusable
I'm going to keep using mine for a while. It's not my only phone. I still use my LGV60 and my LG wing and a newer pixel sometimes. Those are all so big And I like the fact that the pixel 4a can fit in my front pocket.
I'll keep using them until the batteries aren't workable anymore. Whatever risk there is with security patches I think is overshadowed by the environmental and financial downsides of tossing away perfectly good hardware.
I'll probably be fine using it for another year or so . As to what I would replace it with I'm not sure. Probably a used pixel just because they're the best value proposition.
So 5a has gets android, another year of updates and it can be a 100 Bucks on eBay. The pixel 6 and 6 pro are 200 to 275 on ebay and they are getting like 40 more months of updates.
Samsung phones don't have quite the same Compelling prices on the resal market .
I'll use this phone until the battery won't hold without being plugged in all the time. Then I'm not sure. I'd like another pixel, but there isn't a pixel anymore that isn't massive. It used to be that the main phone with all the features was larger and the sub phone with less features was a bit smaller. I usually opt for the smaller phone because I like a phone that suits my small hands and can also fit in my pocket. Now I'm worried my next phone will be too big to fit in my pants and I won't be able to reach the other end of the screen with my thumb. Not to mention they don't have a physical fingerprint reader anymore. My husband has a 6 and he stopped using the fingerprint function because it just didn't work 80% of the time. And don't get me started on the headphones jack. I have a Bluetooth headset, but you know those run out of battery sometimes and some cars are a pain to connect to. That's the least of my worries, but it'll be a bandaid I have to rip off for sure. Anyway, thanks for coming to my Ted talk. I'll probably buy the stupid new Google tablet because I'm a hypocrite 🙂
The s23 is fairly compact by today's standards. Mind you, I returned the s23 and got a Pixel 7 Pro 🤷♂️
Try Lineage. I ran it on my Pixel 3 for about two years when Google stopped updating it. Then when I decided to sell it, just reflashed the Google OS back on it
Running lineage on pixel 3 still.
Are you supposed to stop using your phone once it stops getting updates?
Mine is on Android 9 and idgaf.
I replace my phone when it stops working well enough for day to day use.
It depends on whether you do sensitive stuff with your phone that's going to risk getting exposed if your phone stops getting security updates and a malware gets made specifically for it. But I guess like on PC with careful vetting of apps and avoiding sketchy websites the risk should IMO be minimal.
Every so often I think about how I really ought to replace my Pixel 2, but then it just keeps on working and the price of new devices keeps on inflating at absurd rates.
I'm not fussed about no updates going forward. I still like the phone.
The battery isn't lasting as long as it used to, obviously, but it should last for another year at least.
Lineage OS
I'm still using a pixel 3a, LUL. I'm actually updating this year, but to a different brand. I have gotten a lot of life out of it, it's been a trooper and the battery sill running strong.
Same, though 3 XL - it's been a great phone and still does what I need so... I'm in no hurry
I still use my pixel 2 regularly. There really isn't a reason to not use it that I can think of.
Not a Pixel user myself but I know for a fact that there are current PixelExperience builds for Pixel 4's
I'll probably hang tight until Pixel 8 comes out.
The fingerprint sensor gave out a year ago, so it will continue its slow decay in my bedside table drawer.
I originally bought it as a short term use because my Nexus was hurting. I liked it so much that it is still my daily.
My girlfriend is threatening to bail on her iPhone, so if she does maybe we'll splurge for a pair of new Pixel 8 Pros. My eyesight is not as good as it was, and a bigger screen might be nice for the larger fonts I am needing 🙄
I'll very likely buy a 7a in November.
Waiting for my new Pixel 7 to be delivered right now actually. And then I'm installing GraphenOS on it.
Shit it's that time is it? I will probably keep it with the intention of installing something else on it. And then not look at it for a few years at a time, stumble across it and it's older siblings and think "I should do something with these".
I guess I better hunt down a new Pixel. Sucks because unlike the last one (2XL) this one -- which I bought used, by the way, first time doing that -- isn't painfully slow, battery still holds up fine. I don't need it for any other reason than I would rather not risk running an unpatched device.
Even factoring in not getting the Android 14 update, plenty of people I feel will keep phones for ages (I remember having to build aps catering to people on Android 8/9 so people are generally pretty lazy to update). Even without security updates I've got a feeling these phones will linger since they're still decent
I upgraded to a 7 on launch day (pre-ordered), so my 4a has been sitting around as a backup ever since. Still miss the size, material, and color sometimes - I got the Google Store blue with the orange button and it looked so nice!