Yes!! To all of it! I feel so much less alone! And you described it SO WELL!!
Do you ever get that feeling with vocalizing words or sounds, too? Like I have to keep trying until I get it 'right'
I always thought it sounded like a possible OCD type of thing to me. I can't remember it, but there was a certain 'type' of OCD that it seemed like. I'll have to see if I can remember or find it. (No promises, though... I've got some intense brain fog & stuff gumming up my brain right now.)
Edit: I actually remembered! Look up "just right OCD"
"The compulsions associated with this subtype of OCD primarily consist of redoing/repeating actions in order to dispel the “not right” feelings and allow the person to feel as though the task was completed the “right” way. "
My phone is being screwy or I'd send some links, my apologies! Hopefully that helps you somehow.