Implying the other half agrees with you, right?
Sounds about like every other wedge issue we're divided (lol auto correct decided that should be"focused"and 8 don't know that I disagree) with.
Implying the other half agrees with you, right?
Sounds about like every other wedge issue we're divided (lol auto correct decided that should be"focused"and 8 don't know that I disagree) with.
The problem with Lemmy isn't that there are too many leftists around, it's that most of them are of the annoying kind.
Most users here are either college students or antiwork-style semi-employed NEET-adjacent individuals whose entire worldview is based on Tumblr and TikTok memes. They really think that some online pundit/influencer with the "correct beliefs" on the "current thing" is closer to them and more of their ally than actual working-class proletarians who may for various reasons, have problematic attitudes and beliefs.
That's of course, without getting into what the latest crop of online leftists even considers problematic. For whatever reason, while the planet is dying, while people are still hungry, while homelessness is rising in the West, they've decided that the right of fat gay men who like to wear make up and dresses and straight women who are not satisfied to be low on the oppression totem-pole to call themselves a gender category beyond any human comprehension (non-binary) is the single most important issue affecting global society.
If one should disagree with gender ideology, they need to be killed because they're a fucking Nazi and definitely not a good fucking human being.
Got bombarded with hate when I said a solution to Nazis isnt to kill Nazis lol the left are just as unhinged as the right. Most Americans are mentally ill because they can't afford to see a therapist.