SSL kill continues the ring of death remains stubbornly unbroken and the 1914 still gives a great shave.
Still to get round to posting DJ the scrubty-four but will get there
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SSL kill continues the ring of death remains stubbornly unbroken and the 1914 still gives a great shave.
Still to get round to posting DJ the scrubty-four but will get there
Still to get round to posting DJ the scrubty-four but will get there
January 7, 2025
Inspired, for once, by @[email protected]'s Tabac Tuesday. I can confirm that this lather (tallow) was good looking, and slick to boot.
Inspired, for once, by [...] Tabac Tuesday
Sunshine breaking trough clouds, angels singing
The first Tabac Tuesday of 2025 is in the books and I bask in the glory of the Stank®
I must be about half-way through this puck of veggie Tabac, and I miss the tallow base. The vegan base isn't bad in any way, it's still a very slick soap, and the Stank® is on point, but I prefer the denser lather I used to get from the tallow base over this slightly fluffy lather. Of course I'm wondering now whether I'm just misremembering the tallow base. I'll find out after this puck is done.
January 7, 2025
Brush: Elite Razor Honduran Rosewood Burl 24mm HMW Fan
Razor: J.A. Henckels Friodur 472 13/16" Full Hollow Square Point
Lather: Declaration Grooming - Cerberus - Soap
Aftershave: Noble Otter - Cerberus - Aftershave
2 passes. Face lather. Excellent shave.
Tuesday, January 07, 2025: Tabac Tuesday
It is Tuesday, my dudes.
Great shave with the stank. It's always no fuss.
Octidi 18 Nivôse an 233 de la Révolution, jour de Pierre à chaux
Beyond octidi, it's also Zingari Zischtig. Mousse Illuminée is so good!
Have a good night!