Took me a while to realize that it's not the font names listed, but in my defense I'm down with a cold.
But I would like to know the font names.
A community to discuss and share information about typography and fonts
Sibling community:
Rules of conduct:
The usual ones on Lemmy and Mastodon. In short: be kind or at least respectful, no offensive language, no harassment, no spam.
(Icon: detail from the title of Bringhurst's Elements of Typographic Style. Banner: details from pages 6 and 12, ibid.)
Took me a while to realize that it's not the font names listed, but in my defense I'm down with a cold.
But I would like to know the font names.
Op on the map enthusiasts community knew some of them! Lemme grab a link
No idea how it'll work with federation but this is the original post :) My client also let's me see places something was cross-posted, that may work better if your client does that as well