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The original was posted on /r/hayastan by /u/gunit_reddit on 2023-08-17 01:57:52.
As usual Turkey supported Az fully at todays UN meeting, their spokesperson, low key threatened Armenia as well, aside from that, their Gov doesn’t miss an opportunity to bash Armenia and Artsakh, on the other side, we have our masters in diplomacy Government, for example, Ararat(MFA) could have pointed out turkeys role today at his UN speech but he didn’t even bother to bring it up (although Turkey was one of the speakers and it doesn’t take a genuine to guess whose side they were gonna pick, it was a good opportunity to remind the world that they are playing with them with their bs peace agenda) but Arm gov chose to turn a blind eye on turkeys actions, as if nothing is happened and they are acting neutral, honestly this more looks like a surrender to turkey than a peace deal, so sad that (majority) of people can’t even see what’s happening. I wish at least pash was more truthful and would have said that this is not even a peace deal this is a surrender.