A community for sharing relatable real-life situations depicted in anime.
All post titles must be "anime_irl".
All posts must be an image, gif, or video of relatable situations depicted in anime.
No sexually explicit images (i.e. full nudity). Lewd/ecchi must be tagged as NSFW.
All posts and comments must abide by the AniSocial Content Policy.
(If you would like to moderate this community, please send a message to the admin.)
Double standards smh...
A cute anime girl solos a boss to clock out on time and gets her own show
I do the same thing and I get charged with assault 😓
Wrong country, wrong boss.
Choose your targets wisely. Not all objects referred to by a common noun are the same.
Remember, demons can say, "My parents were killed by humans" as an excuse to kill human children.
I've never identified more with an anime protagonist
Welcome back, Nanami Kento
Then don't.