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I actually stole this from mastodon :(
If there's one thing I can't abide, it's content thieves. As punishment, there will be an additional week of David Lynch content for everyone.
come on... that's a little too harsh, wouldn't you say? Please?
Don't test me, or I'll add an additional week of Jimmy Carter and Fan Weiqiu content.
Yes, sir....
This is great content! Kinda hot!
The sequel to Plan9, finally.
EDIT: Apparently this is a real company :P
Is is both! It's like 9, but it's linux and comes with a bitcoin miner!
Some of my favorite websites come with bitcoin miners!
Accurate screen. I'm still learning and it worked so quick! Now I just need to get some software...
⑨s at home : /
I'm no expert, but it looks broken.
I think 0.1.4 was right
No way, if you read that far, you passed. Try mucking about with, but consider asking in #cat-v