For anyone wondering like me:
A Tannoy is a system of loudspeakers used to make public announcements, for example at a fair or at a sports stadium. [British, trademark]regional note: in AM, use public address system.
Welcome to the wholesome side of the internet! This community is for those searching for a way to capture virtue on the internet.
whole·some meme hōl-səm\mēm
A meme that promotes health or well-being of body, mind, and/or soul.
A meme that is pure of heart, devoid of corruption or malice, modest, stable, virtuous, and all-around sweet and compassionate.
A meme that conveys support, positivity, compassion, understanding, love, affection, and genuine friendship by re-contextualizing classic meme formats, and using them to display warmth and empathy.
A meme with no snark or sarcasm that displays genuine human emotion and subverts a generally negative meme to be more positive.
Definition of a meme/memetics A way of describing cultural information being shared.
An element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by non genetic means, especially imitation.
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This includes "Let's get this to the front page!" type posts, "You have been visited by", "people who sort by new", "stop scrolling", Low effort memes include: Skyrim "Wholesome 100", "You're Breathtaking", Thanos "That does put a smile on my face", [happiness noises], Fallout [Everybody liked that], and "Because that's what heroes do". This isn't an exhaustive list, but I think you get the idea!
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Please make an effort with your title Set your post up for success. "Does this fit here?" helps nobody. Being funny or descriptive helps. And trying is good.
For anyone wondering like me:
A Tannoy is a system of loudspeakers used to make public announcements, for example at a fair or at a sports stadium. [British, trademark]regional note: in AM, use public address system.
I definitely googled it before coming to the contents. You're awesome.
The funniest announcement in my railway station has been: "The train xxxxx coming from y and directed to z has been canceled because someone stole the electrical cables on the line".
Funny only since it wasn't my train.
A few years ago in Paris I was waiting for my train to Marseille and the announcer was rambling about our destination like he were paid to advertise it. "Marseille ! its cicadas ! its legendary sunny weather ! the smiles on people's faces !" after a while he seemed to run out of things to list so he went on with random stuff "its horses ! the ladies' perfume !" I had a good laugh
Was this in French or multiple languages? I ask because the trolley system in San Diego has automated announcements in English/Spanish, and most of the drivers are bilingual so they can yell at most of the people in a language they understand.
Only in French iirc. Keep your expectations in check lol
I had the SNCF jingle as my notification sound for meetings like 10 years ago. I loved the sound of it. But I was a tourist and didn’t have to listen to it play 700 times during my commute.
god this triggered my ptsd
Used to be a guy like this at one of the main stations in Melbourne 😁
Similarly I remember there was a (driver?) announcing the stations when I commuted from StLeonards to Central in Sydney, and he was hilarious, cracking jokes and congratulating people for not blocking the doors, keeping time records of how long passengers took to alight and aboard the trains
I came here to comment that Melbourne had a few train and tram drivers that were very chatty and brightened your commute. I don't miss trying to change at South Yarra at rush hour, though.
Remind me of a time where the announcer called the three-car train arriving 'petite'.
Got to have fun where you can!
What magicial land di you live in where u can understand shit when they talk ...
I didn’t know there even was such a job.
Usually in conjunction with other station duties, cleaning admin work etc
I’m surprised his bosses allow it. It seems that everyone is expected to act like a robot in their jobs.
Once at, it was either Oxford Circus or Piccadilly, the announcer was doing the announcements in a Dalek voice. "Be careful on the escalaaaaator!"
why does this post sound British
Because they called a PA a Tannoy system...
why do i understand this
even tho it doesn't make sense, he sounds too happy for a british person
I've never met anyone that voluntarily refers to themselves as "fat" that didn't have a good sense of humor.
Then again they may have just snagged themselves an optimistic American transplant
I bought a vehicle when the pandemic hit, but the last time I took a public transit train we had hometown boy Seth Rogan doing the announcements.
A few weeks ago I got on the train home and whoever had control of the intercom (not the guy at the front, though he was having a grand time) proceeded to yell a bunch of stuff about anime (mostly names) during the time when they normally say to hit the button to request street level stops. I will always wonder who that hero was, it totally made my day.
I want to go to there…
Sparkle, sparkle, sparkle, it's Mr. Conductor!