He's fucking stoked !
Rolling on the flat, instead of up a hill.
A choice! of 2 paths, instead of up and down the same hill for eternity.
Best day of his life.
Look at these
He's fucking stoked !
Rolling on the flat, instead of up a hill.
A choice! of 2 paths, instead of up and down the same hill for eternity.
Best day of his life.
Edit: Best day of his afterlife.
The boulder is in fact hollow, and inside of it lives Plato. Having not ever directly witnessed the outside world except for the shadows cast upon the boulder's interior wall through a double slit opening, Plato is effectively a closed system in a state of superposition : both natural and educated.
Then, Hobbes lights a fire under the boulder hoping to get Plato to return into his natural state, while Foucault and Heisenberg pour ice water on the boulder trying to punish him for not collapsing the wavefunction.
Who is gay ?