They can try all they want, but I’ll just wait until the game comes to steam. No game is worth using that dumpster fire of a launcher.
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Elite Dangerous was their free game for the month awhile back. I made extra accounts and snagged free copies for people that wanted to try it, because I adore that game and love having people to fly with.
You know, oddly enough, no one wants it, even for free, expressly because they don’t want to deal with the dog’s anus EGS launcher.
Yep, I used to pick up the free games, then realized I’d never play any of them because I expressly do not want to deal with the EGS launcher.
It sucks, because it really is better for the devs, but steam is just so much better
The first few months of a game release are absolutely critical, no matter the size of the studio. I won't buy anything on Epic just out of principle, and I'm sure there are countless other people who share the mindset. A 100% share, vs a 70% one, is definitely appealing at first glance, but it'll butcher your numbers for short-term gain
As a patient gamer, who hates enticements to get stuck in yet-another-walled garden, I refuse to go with Epic. The benevolent kingdom of steam never forces exclusivity deals, and just out of self interest i wont reward behavior that removes options from me.
I guess this means I'll have to wait at least 6 months for some games to show up on steam
I'm ok with other ecosystems, if they treat people right, like GoG, I'm cool with GoG.
Waiting 6 months means you will find out if the game was any good anyways
It's that upfront money they give that's the big thing for some of these devs I can't blame them for taking that upfront influx of development capital.
Still not buying it from Epic, I hate console exclusivity, including Nintendo, and I'm not going to support it on PC.
There seems to be a lot of debate in the comments, that are disingenuous arguments.
I think the quality of the software is a factor for some people, but that's not the main issue here.
Steam has always publicly stated their competition is piracy. They have to be more convenient than piracy to survive. And over steams lifetime I think they've demonstrated that's their goal, yes they have DRM, but only to satisfy publishers, they've done everything they can to keep things as convenient as possible.
Epic, the company, has demonstrated their goal is money. And they've demonstrated an anti-consumer trend, the exclusivity deals are in great indicator of that. If epic became as popular as steam, they would make the experience awful, they would become the Disney of the game world.
So all of the arguments about
*launcher quality
*availability of DRM free games
*some publishers choosing to release on one platform
Are missing the mark, many people don't want to financially support a market participant who will make their lives worse in the future.
If you don't like valve, that's fine, support a different distributor who makes the ecosystem better, like GoG.
Yeah, I think competition is always good and Steam should not have a monopoly, but Epic is certainly not a beneficial alternative.
Someday maybe they will try to improve the launcher instead of burning all the money in exclusives that only pisses people off. I uninstalled that shit and don't even bother to take the free games anymore.
Man epic games store is actual industry aids. We don't buy games on steam because we have no other choice. We buy them because it's by far and large the best platform. I don't want 10 different apps for different games. I want my collection in one spot. Epic games sucks. I've never given them a single cent and never will. I've claimed many a free game on there but the irony is I just buy them on sale through steam and never actually play them on epic. I want playtimes, achievements and the games themselves in one fucking spot. If steam becomes wildly anti consumer I would absolutely change my stance. But valve and it's customers have a pretty good relationship imo.
I wish more companies were like Valve. They are following that old style of making a great product and/or providing a great service to make consumers happy to spend their money there. The only mixed feelings I have about spending money on steam is "do I really need more games when there's a ton in my library that I still haven't even installed let alone played?"
I hope they stay private and that Gabe has or finds an heir that follows his mindset rather than decides to go for a quick payout.
Even when those other companies embrace shitty business practices to make more money and it works for them, they are just setting the stage for a better company to come along and replace them.
Say what you will about epic, but this is compelling as hell for Devs. Hopefully this puts more pressure on Steam to reduce their cut. Competition is good.
If you're so against epic, have a little patience and wait until it comes to steam 6 months later. That's what I'll be doing. But don't just mindlessly shit in epic because you (as a consumer) don't like their business model intended to attract devs. You can dislike something while also recognising the good in it.
you guys can pay developers all you want but nobody is gonna stick if your launcher is still shit
Steam has proton, Epic games does nkt even have a linux launcher, its obvious who I'm sticking with
So is it just me or does every game that becomes a epic exclusive never do as well as they should. i think most game developers realize this, which is why epic is desperate to get developers on their failing launcher. maybe they should try offering all the things steam does. regardless i cant switch because i own too many games on steam, im locked in.
It’s because PC gamers overwhelmingly will just ignore the game until it comes to steam, but by the time it comes to steam it’s been 6 months - 1 year and all the hype around the game has died.
People have been voting with their wallets and not rewarding anti-competitive behavior for once
God I hate Epic. I hate them with every fiber of my being. The fact that I have to have their crappy, insecure game store bloatware just to try to learn Unreal for personal projects is dumb. Hence why I am learning Unity and Godot.
Hey maybe you should make a launcher that isn't shit?
I mean, good on you for paying the developers well but Steam became very popular because they kept improving it.
They'll get 100% of my zero dollars that way.
"Let us offer you 100% of the money from a marketplace 0.0001% as large! Did we mention you get all the money that neither of us are making? We will throw in all the good will with gamers we've earned too."
I mean that's seems like a decent deal for developers but I'm not buying it until it goes Steam and GoG.
I already block ads and advertisements, so the game will just be completely off my radar for another six months until I see friends start playing it. Eh. It's far too much effort to try a new platform after the dumpsterfires of Origin and Uplay to play 1-3 games.
The only game I'd actually install a new launcher for would be a new Half Life Game.
Lol, Epic losing steam? No pun intended.
Also, fuck Epic.
They've done everything to encourage game developers, expecting consumers to follow. But none of this entices me to leave steam. I, like many, will gladly wait.
How about you improve your goddamn service instead of holding my games hostage on your shitty launcher?
Other posters seem to forget that competition is very important for this kind of thing.
Sure it's annoying when Epic stops games releasing in other platforms, and especially how the epic launcher and it's games do not support Linux.
But without competition, steam can continue with an insanely high cut of indie game sales, and that is NOT ok.
Guess I'll get the game on sale
This is probably a worse deal than the previous offer of guaranteed revenue regardless of performance.