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The original was posted on /r/newzealand by /u/jteccc on 2025-01-30 22:02:31+00:00.
"Between about 6pm last night and 3am this morning, we've located over 50 earthquakes just to the north of Taupō. The earthquakes were not continuous, with most occurring before 11pm and another burst around 3am this morning with few events since then.
Swarms of earthquakes are common in geothermal areas like this and most geothermal areas near Taupō are areas of concentrated activity.
Although the GeoNet website and app report the earthquakes as “unnoticeable” or “weak” shaking, this does not account for how shallow the earthquakes are or how close people live to them – our team based in Taupō have definitely been feeling them too!
The rate of earthquakes is higher than we normally observe in the area, so we'll continue to monitor the activity. We’ll provide updates if activity changes or increases."