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The original was posted on /r/gamingleaksandrumours by /u/-LastGrail- on 2025-01-31 12:55:01+00:00.
Vandal is one the larger Spanish sites for videgames on the context on who the source is.
Translated text from Spanish:
"Recent leaks have talked about Halo: The
Master Chief Collection and Gears of War:
U|timate Edition - or a remastered collection
of the series - on PlayStation 5 and Nintendo
Switch 2. According to our sources, some of
the closest ones are Killer Instinct and
Starfield, which has been in development for
at least PS5 since its launch on Xbox Series
and PC - late 2023"
"There are more games in the works
including Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 or
Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition , which
was found testing online late last year; Tom
Warren speculated about Age of Mythology:
Retold and Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 . We
have information about another game that
has already started its adaptation to PS5
and/or Switch 2: the new Fable from
Playground Games, so it's possible that in
this case the launch will be simultaneous on
all platforms"