first ever live action Gundam movie
I know G-Saviour was bad, but this is straight up erasure 😤
A community for any and all things relating to Mobile Suit Gundam.
first ever live action Gundam movie
I know G-Saviour was bad, but this is straight up erasure 😤
@[email protected] Funnily enough, I watched the trailer for G-Saviour last night before I saw this news, because I read your post you commented about what to watch next. It looked really bad lol, but there might be a Friday night where I sit down with (a lot of) beers and watch it!
Finally finished MSG79 last night, on the fence about Zeta and ZZ right now 😬 took me years to watch MSG79!
Watching G-Saviour inebriated is going to leave you very confused, wondering wtf is going on. So it's very similar to watching while sober, but with the added benefit of being drunk.
Grats on finishing 0079! If you enjoyed it at least a little bit, I really do recommend giving Zeta a shot. I just started a rewatch myself. So... much... fisticuffs...
Haha! That trailer left me feeling confused, so I get it lol.
It might take me another year, but fuck it, I’ll jump on Zeta! Might watch cucuruz doan's island first and maybe 08th MS Team before I jump on Zeta for a little palate cleanse. I watched War in Pocket already, had mixed feelings with the pace and overall message, but it wasn’t bad by any means!
@[email protected] Any idea where I can watch G-Saviour? I checked my standard skull and crossbones sources and no luck. Am I gonna have to track down a VHS at a car boot sale or some shit 😂
Also 2 episodes into 08th MS team and I’m in love, this is my type of anime aesthetic and ridiculous plot. Got Zeta ready to go as well!
Once upon a time I had the DVD... then I lent it to a friend who moved away. Before he moved, he gave it to a mutual friend who put it "somewhere safe." I am very sure that is still safe. I am also very sure that it will be years before that safe place is found lol.
Glad you're enjoying 08th team! It's a very popular pick for multiple reasons.