@nick @[email protected] @[email protected] @firefoxnightly I'm more concerned about Mozilla throwing their limited resources into AI nonsense instead of maintaining the browser.
A community for discussion about Mozilla Firefox.
I blame Google. Google "contributed" to the HTML 5 standard, and what we ended up with is a standard so complex and convoluted that it's nearly impossible to make a fully capable browser without using Chromium code.
They didn't violate open source rules, but they weaponized it to kill off independent browsers. Just my 2¢.
@OpticalMoose that's what I thought, but the CSS and visual/style stuff aside,
* web standard request in #Firefox being undefined("body does not exist")
* Network streamed response only showing up after the response ends
* various video playback restrictions(possibly leaking memory)
but also stuff that wasn't mentioned in the Video like, hardware accaleration issues, old code base or features like HDR not being implemented.
And I'm not even starting with Google being the default search engine..
I forgot about HW acceleration. Yeah, that is totally on Mozilla.
But I'll admit I'm not a web dev. I just took the basic courses in school; HTML/JS/PHP, etc. I learned enough to know I wasn't gonna be good at it. :)
@OpticalMoose @pbarker
Here are some links:
* VideoEncoderConfigurationPreset of different #Browsers: https://api-ref.agora.io/en/video-sdk/web/4.x/globals.html#videoencoderconfigurationpreset
* The (arguably or not needed) #CSSContainerStyleQueries comparison: https://caniuse.com/css-container-queries-style
* #WebShareAPI: https://caniuse.com/web-share
* #ViewTransitions: https://caniuse.com/view-transitions
* #JPEGXL(and other #codec integration chart): https://connect.mozilla.org/t5/ideas/support-jpeg-xl/idi-p/18433
* The gradient bug, open since 2011: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show/_bug.cgi?id=627771