Of course not, he’s diverting it in front of you to live large until they die.
In their dome after a faction steals the Mars Arkkk.
Lemmy Community for economy, business, politics, stocks, bonds, product releases, IPOs, advice, news, investment, videos, predictions, government, money, politics, debate, current trends and more.
Of course not, he’s diverting it in front of you to live large until they die.
In their dome after a faction steals the Mars Arkkk.
So commenters here can actually read the article.
I’m sure most will not but that’s par the course with most now days.
Lenmy in nothing but link-spam anyways. If theres no comments and no interesting info in the actual post i’m more likely to downvote than read the article.
Like if you want to talk with someone about something you dont just give them a link to a news story and expect the other party to do the discussion
Whew! That’s a relief. Over the last several days, I’ve seen dozens of threads about how he’s cutting loads of programs and departments. Glad none of it was true! /s
That's because of JOE BIDEN!
-Conservatives who Do Their Own Research!
Right now posts shared on the conservative community are pretending the 1 billion saved from gutting the Department of Education is an "eye-popping number", lol: https://lemmy.wtf/post/16511854
You mean that draft budget to increase the debt ceiling by fucking $4 TRILLION isn't because were saving money on anything?