I try not to be an asshole, but how much of a fucking dumbass can you be. It isn't about government bloat, it never has been, if it WAS they would be tackling the military industrial complex. They instead have made the richest asshole on the planet the defacto president and are letting him ransack the government. How can you not see that they are literally taking your tax dollars and letting musk shovel them directly into his own pockets. If you were on a sinking ship I bet you'd be happy about it.
A place to discuss pro-conservative stuff
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Most of c/conservative right now:
Let the billionaires ransack the government stealing all my tax dollars for themselves, and also gut the agencies that prevent my cereal from having lead shavings in it.
Your dude wants to literally abolish the Department of Education, and your contribution is calling us fat.
Say one thing about the right, they sure know their electorate.
Corrupt according to whom? Because if you ask me who is corrupt DJT and Elon Musk top the list of corrupt politicians and business men.