McConnell could have prevented all of this by rallying Senate Republicans to impeach in the days after Jan 6. If he had pushed, they would have fallen in line.
Mitch can fall down all of the staircases as far as I’m concerned.
McConnell could have prevented all of this by rallying Senate Republicans to impeach in the days after Jan 6. If he had pushed, they would have fallen in line.
Mitch can fall down all of the staircases as far as I’m concerned.
BuT yOu CaN't ImPeAcH a PrIvAtE CiTiZeN!!!
-- insurrection Mitch
"Man who made bed terribly now sad that he must lie in it."
Man bit by pet leopard.
Video at 11.
Whoever thought this absolute piece of human refuse Mitch McConnel would become the most dignified and most admirable republican in the Senate...
McConnell is doing his classic centrist posturing. The only reason he didn't vote for Trump's pick is he didn't need to because there is a big enough Republican majority. This gave him the opportunity to grandstand. Whenever there's a vote where his vote matters, he always votes for Trump.
I love how this is his new low. I guess the whole pussy grabbing, making fun of disabled folks (and vets), losing immigrant kids, opening bribery wide, and essentially trying to tear down the entire government were just minor things.
Cracking wise about someone's polio?? That's just the worst.
I mean, it did make me feel sympathy for McConnell for like half a second, and that should definitely be a crime of some sort.
More infighting. Good.
It’s McConnell. No low is low enough.
I'm sure McConnell will let it roll off his shell.
Is this a new low? Feels like the shallow end of Trump's shit takes.