There are several weird things in that report. There are definitely valid criticism of neo-colonialism, but I don't see how it ticks the greenwashing box. The decarbonation achieved thanks to renewable power plants in MENA is real, it is not just a marketing campaign. Could it be done better? Yes. Does it help the climate crisis? Yes.
I also find this title weird: "Leveraging Communal, Traditional, and Ancestral Models in Pursuit of Feminist, People-First Wellbeing Economies". In MENA, traditional/ancestral ways are not exactly femininist. Dont let the fight against colonialism trap you into believing that non-western ways are necessarily superior in every aspect.
You know what is absent in that report? Discussion about the climate impact of transtioning from hydrocarbon industries into renewable. This has been a constant criticism of Greenpeace and a pretty serious blind spot for an environmental organization: not caring much about CO2. Now I agree that CO2 emissions are not the only problem in the world and that it should not prevent us to fight the other problems, but criticizing a renewable transition without a word on its actual efficacy is really missing the point.