A thundercloud with lightning
Shitty/Trashy Tattoos
A place to post your shitty or trashy tattoos!
No doxing or posting identifying information.
No racism
Have fun!
Very very frightening!
I think this one is the intent, just poorly executed
Flying spaghetti monster
Skin Cancer
cloud with lightning?
Maybe a tumor? Could be covering a removal scar, to commemorate a successful fight.
Brainstalks, she's a Risk of Rain 2 fan
I picked up Risk of Rain Returns on sale a little while back, and I do not remember getting owned this hard on the original back in the day.
Still having a blast, though.
It's a toomah!
It's not a toomah!
The reason a tattoo artist finds themselves in a courtroom soon.
Zombie jellyfish.
Cotton boll?
Is it meant to be a rose? It just looks like a bruise
A Quatto in the making.
some sort of flower?
It's an electric cotton ball with toothpicks stuck in it.
I'm seeing cauliflower.
There's no image, so 'no'.
Whoops! Hopefully its fixed now
Looks, at a glance, like a cloud with rubbish lightning or a dandelion gone to seed.