I really hope the promise to remove the minimum price of liquor doesn't sway people to vote for him... Reducing the minimum for beer did nothing to drop the cost of beer. Pretty sure the companies just pocketed the difference and the same will happen with liquor.
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You're missing the point. Doug wants us all to drink more as an investment for his buddies when they privatize healthcare.
No rush asshole.
Dude knows his base anyways, they aren't gonna be asking about stuff like that, so why give the other candidates ammo?
He’s no different from Rustad keeping his terrible platform under wraps until the last minute to hide the incompetency.
It's 3 days away from the election...
Libs should just be running Ontario Place commercials from the 80s.
I was comparing platforms over the weekend and easily spent 20 minutes digging through the conservative site for a platform. The closest thing i could find to the cons platform is a news articles laying out the different platforms. They had considerably less info for the cons because they only had a handful of headlines to assume a platform from. How the hell is this the party that is in the lead? How the hell can the party that called for an early election not have a platform available from day 1?
They know they can't actually compete on a policy level with anyone really. This is a lot of bravado and chest pumping to garner attention and media coverage as a last push. Also this way he's avoiding as much as possible waking up would be voters who are happy to remain at home with their heads up their ass otherwise.