The left should be arming themselves and leaving most gun reform in the past. At least if they want to win ever again.
Liberal Gun Owners
A community for pro-gun liberals.
I don't see why you can't buy a gun and support intelligent gun laws.
Ban is a pipe dream. There are more guns here than people, and it ain't trending down. If your political enemies have been arming themselves for decades, and fantasizing about killing you... you would have to be a fool to willingly disarm yourself. It can happen here. Obtain and train.
Well I can tell you one thing, a ban isn't going to do shit to protect American society when there's already millions of guns in circulation without registration. More guns than people in fact, enough to arm everyone who has arms to hold them with.
Even Bernie Sanders was pro-2A before he went mainstream with the presidential campaign. It helps bring Independent voters in too.
Even if they somehow went full ban, the cat has pretty much run off with the bag on 3D printed weapons. There's a ways to go on really making ghost guns safer and more effective, but a full ban would be exactly the fire-under-the-ass a lot of people need to work those issues out.
You should buy a gun, take it from a non-liberal. Political power grows through its barrel and the fascists know this. Do not let them have that power over you.
Liberals are not leftists.
And both should be buying guns. As should progressives, moderates, social democrats, neoliberals, real libertarians, and real conservatives (non-reactionary, anti-Trump Lincoln Project types).
It's a myth that the left is against guns. The left has always known it needs to be armed. Liberals are the ones that want to get rid of guns. Because they want the Monopoly of force to Crackdown on unions.