Yay! Let’s keep going, we got this!
Two Goobers — Just the Two of Us
A community for wholesome memes and pics about you and the person you care about most in the world.
Whether they be your best friend, a family member, romantic partner, or anyone else (like zucchinis!), this is the perfect place for finding and sharing memes / pics that make you feel warm inside.
They can be sappy, lovey-dovey, or full of goober energy.
- Be civil - This is a wholesome community. Hate speech, sexism, slurs, or other similar talk will not be tolerated. Don't cause arguments in the comments.
- Pics should be about two people who care and love for each other
- Post titles should be about the love shared between the two people
- No hateful or cruel pics. Only wholesome ones (a bit of gremlin energy is allowed)
- No NSFW or suggestive pics
- No politics
- Do your best to check for reposts before submitting a pic
I just wanna say, this has become my favorite sub lately. My spouse and I have a nightly ritual of her reading awful news and me showing her adorable things to cheer us up and this sub is a goldmine of adorable.
Yay! You don't know how happy it makes me to hear that!
I created this community, in part, for the person special to me. I'm glad other people are finding the same joy I am in the pics here. 😊
Thanks for making a wholesome community and helping to grow the fediverse!
1000 mau maus
While I wish I had a goober to hang out with myself, looking at virtual goobers is usually quite nice and I appreciate seeing every post here.
I'm glad you enjoy our posts!
One day, I'm confident you'll find the person for you.
I've spent the last few decades barely even having friends. With one random encounter, I now have a group of friends I would risk my life for, and a person I want to spend the rest of my life with.
Hang in there 😊