I thought it said racist lol
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How many trump wannabe parties do we need in this country???
One Nation has been like this for 30+ years. They have needed neither influence nor inspiration from any international sources. They're horrible all on their own.
What is the point in censoring the word "rapist" here? The word is intended to have an impact. It is supposed to point out that this man should be nowhere near power.
Sweet, now we're really getting on the conservative, right-wing woman-hating train. Awesome time to be a woman, I'm so excited! I just can't wait to see how many rights they all roll back 🙄
The article includes some details which make it clear there's no room for benefit of doubt, this is an extreme abuser.
A One Nation spokesman said Senator Hanson was "aware of the circumstances around Mr Black's conviction."
Bring out the guillotines, and start with these cunts
I'm lost for words at the gaul of this!
It's the French's fault?