I really loved this show when I was a kid. Uncle Jesse was my favorite. But as an adult, I don't think I could get past the whole "General Lee" thing and the Confederate flag.
Sometimes we have those little epiphanies in the shower.. sometimes they come from other places. This is a home for those epiphanies.
The show started out as a spinoff of a movie about moonshine runners. Boss Hogg and Sheriff Rosco were both the authorities and the bad guys of the show. Interestingly the sheriff of a neighboring county was played by a black actor and portrayed as a serious and competent / not-corrupt lawman in contrast to the Hazzard Co corrupt officials.
And Enos was the dimwitted gullible but honest deputy in Hazzard.
Born in '69. The bad guys growing up were often the legal officials in tv shows and movies during the 70s and early 80s. Like Smokey & The Bandit and all those exploitation films like Caged Heat and Chained Heat.
Not to mention Scooby-Doo, where each episode revealed that the monster was some grown-up authority figure abusing his power.
And the Sheriff was in Hogg's pocket. Just a lackey.