The only (minor) good thing about this whole situation as I see it is that absolutely nobody bought Putin's bullshit about "just" eliminating Right-Wing extremists from Ukraine... "We're just here to bugbomb your storeroom, bro! Calm down, bro, those anti-personnel mines aren't meant for you!" yeah, right...
Edit: watching the dynamic between Trump and Putin feels like watching a sitcom in which two divorced characters get lusty for each other and decide to have a secret fling, except everyone knows they're screwing in the broom closet. "Aw, man, wasn't the Cold War a good time? Everyone was scared, everyone did their jobs and kept their heads down, nobody dared question anything the State said... " / "Yeah, good times, good times..." / "... Mwell... We still have some years ahead of us, maybe, y'know... " / intense stare then start slobbering over each other.