It's gonna be a real challenge to make the 9 eggs left in my carton last to 2028...
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Remember these are those things we would throw at houses and cars because they were cheap.
This really sucks since eggs are one of my safe foods and tofu has also raised in price about 15% in the last month it seems.
Lol they're never getting cheaper. We've departed from regulated capitalism. We're now in a pseudo-fudal model. You think for an instant the bourgeoisie have any interest in providing food? Only profit and power.
I didn't EXPECT it would be that long, but I'm damn sure not surprised
But this was the one thing the fucking dumbest people on Earth said Trump would do right! Surely the most ignorant human beings the world has ever produced in the history of man couldn't be wrong!
Hello. We are a community talking about Australian News. While US policy is indirectly related, these outbreaks are part of a global trend rising since 2020.
Fair enough.
Fuck yeah!