I can’t imagine covering something that involves so much child murder. You’ve got to be both extremely passionate about spreading the word of these atrocities while also completely dead inside from all the horror you’ve witnessed firsthand
Israeli Crimes
All Israeli crimes, past and present. The Israeli genocide of Gaza has a historical context behind it.
Not a conflict....genocide.
It's looking more and more like a new Holocaust.
Can some aliens just come in and blow up Earth please? Humanity does not deserve to exist.
It's not the humanity, it's the 1 % that think that they have devine rule, again.
Wasn't NASA talking about an asteroid heading our way!
Yeah but they keep reducing the chance to hit so with jt starting off at 3% it just is not happening.
DART has shown us, that we can deflect asterids a bit. If we time it right, maybe we can get a successful hit on the next encounter.
Last I heard, it had increased from ~1% to like 2.4/2.5%?
Never discount a 3% chance, lots of things happen every day with those odds.
Even the Asteroid took one look and said "fuck that"
I say we launch the earth defence rockets anyway an coax it back on course
What makes a soldier hate the enemy so much?
Israel studied all propaganda from past Colonists and Nazis, and distilled it into the purest level of population brainwashing. Also known to mankind as Zionism.
Indoctrination into a state of racism so severe that they don't see Palestinians like me as human.
In their eyes, we're sub human.
That's how it works. That's always how it works.
Did every Nazi soldier hate Jews, blacks, gays, Roma, etc? No, of course not. Plenty probably were just hometown soldiers doing what they thought they could. But the atrocities continued regardless, because over time all non-Aryan groups were dehumanized so thoroughly that obviously this isn't a human standing in front of me, it's a Bolshevik.
I'm terribly sorry for what is happening to your people and I promise (for what tiny little it's worth) this rural American has your back
In their own words, "human animals", pretty similar to the "untermenschen" (sub-humans) that the previous incarnation of a NAZI ideology used to call those they saw as the lower races.
There is no limit to the horrors that ethno-Fascist ideologies (such as Nazism and Zionism) will inflict exactly because their core is Extreme Racism (while Traditional Fascism generally only goes as far as Ultra-Nationalism) which brainwashes its followers to treat targets as non-human.
The same psychological reason that had members of the SS casually murdering men, women and children of the "untermenschen" races is behind members of the IDF casually murdering men, women and children of the "human animal" races.
How a group of people can switch up so fast from oppressed to oppressor is beyond me
Israel had been colonizing Palestine for decades years before the Holocaust. Zionists celebrated the Holocaust because it gave their plans a massive boost.
This is why nationalism is bullshit
It's always a sliding scale. The enemies of the state will always be convenient. There will always be another threat to National Security.
People have been rightfully critical of Israel since its inception
These people are not The Jewish People (as a group), they're just ethno-Fascists (specifically Zionists) - a disgusting self-serving extremelly racist political ideology - who pass themselves as representatives of all Jews when there are plenty of Jews who say "not in my name" (and whom, curiously, these types will accuse of being anti-semitic).
You've been sold a Racist and Prejudiced view of people who happen to be Jews as being X, Y and Z because of their ethnicity and now you're trying to match that racist lie into a reality that contradicts that hyper-reductive view of human beings and it won't fit, it will never fit, because people are individuals, not members of some "ethnic" hive-mind - all such groups have naturally wonderfull people, naturally awfull people and a (generally large) majority of "go with the flow" people in the middle.
Please rethink that view of people as ethnics first and foremosts - just because somebody happens to have been born with some characteristics that mean they're part of a certain ethnic group doesn't make them inherently anything, good or bad: people are what they do, not the prejudices around some ethnicity they happen to be born into, and it just so happens that this new bunch of extremelly racist mass-murderers were born into an ethnicy were other, completelly different people, were targetted by the last bunch of extremelly racist mass-murderers due to their ethnicity - these sociopaths have no actual psychological, experiential or behavioural (outside some religious traditions) relation to the people who were made victims by the Nazis, they just happen to share a religion and in literally a handful of cases be direct descendents of victims two generations ago.
My comment was referring to Zionists who were apart of the holocaust, not Jews in general. Didn’t mean to come off that way