Man, that guy does not know how to fell a tree
Perry Bible Fellowship
This is a community dedicated to the webcomic known as the Perry Bible Fellowship, created by Nicholas Gurewitch.
New comics posted whenever they're posted to the site (rarer nowadays but still ongoing). Old comics posted every day until we're caught up
Maybe he's just there to kill Rudy.
Also that is not how a wooden handle is attached to an axe. The handle goes on the inside and maybe a wedge goes in the top, depending on the kind of wood and form.
Fucking dark. Love it.
I'm overthinking it, but it's maybe not as dark as it's meant to look. I mean, she clearly survived being turned into an axe. And hey, with this guy chopping down trees entirely by hand, maybe he's the type to make his own tools. They could actually wind up together!
Oh man, a proper two sentence horror or I'm sorry John. Just terrific!