Something to keep in mind for anybody looking to print the really fun stuff. Just beware you take steps to deal with this.
The space to discuss Solarpunk itself and Solarpunk related stuff that doesn't fit elsewhere.
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Something to keep in mind for anybody looking to print the really fun stuff. Just beware you take steps to deal with this.
How do you even circumvent this?
There are some things you can do.
Another thing to consider:
Other methods of identification are not as easily recognizable as yellow dots. For example, a modulation of laser intensity and a variation of shades of grey in texts are feasible. As of 2006, it was unknown whether manufacturers were also using these techniques.
Any normie-compatible recommendations? Preferably available in multiple languages.
probably it's better to make your own; i don't like the approach of the source because it's just spamming stuff and thinking it's fine
but you know your place better than people on the internet, you can blend in better than them :)
i like the idea so i will keep it in my tools for local change, surely good to test it