Sure ignore all the environmental issues arise from these cities when normal cities cant even keep conpanies in check with their dump.
So building these cities close to any national parks is as stupid as your attempt at justifying the push
Sure ignore all the environmental issues arise from these cities when normal cities cant even keep conpanies in check with their dump.
So building these cities close to any national parks is as stupid as your attempt at justifying the push
Whats so bad about him?
Check out odysee
coming from jailbreaking iphones, what exactly does jailbreaking a cpu imply in this case?
I figure you can already do what you want in your pc so what “features” was being blocked from users?
Idk, based off of just saying we will being going back in time could mean regression and not actual time travel.
But idk who tf this guy is and im pretty sure anyone couldve guessed that anyways
Im more interested hows the privacy policy? Im too lazy to read it atm
Well shit that explains it. To be fair it is all about perceived superiority with people who complain about parties, people who like to generalize people in a group into the same couple of categories.
If people stopped bitching less about parties and actually complained together on certain issues we would have a less divisive and focused society. Instead all i hear is constant blaming and it does nothing but rile you guys up with nothing to do with that energy.
Yes i agree certain dems in power are part of the problem but the same goes with the rep. There we got that established. Instead of continuously repeating that same fact in different conversations what are YOU gonna do about it?
Blocking me only brings me a good chuckle, as for you, blocking everyone you dont agree with only keeps you closed minded and fragile which is not what we want, right?
Youre giving the same vibes as OP youre not any better buddy. Do you notice the similarity? Both of you attack each side and associate each other with bad decisions when the decisions are shared by both parties.
If anything i hope you are able to see that rather than get a knee jerk response and block people
Your point was not eloquently conveyed then.
Because you literally said, any democrat that doesnt support sanders is supporting trump when this isnt a Trump issue…
I wonder if youd say they would be supporting trump if Kamala were in office wanting to sell arms to israel.
Did you forget that democrats supported the attack on gaza?
Jfc have some self awareness and realize both sides are doing this bullshit.
Thats correct never use the same password unless you know what youre doing
On a side note, looks like a creep isnt too happy about me sharing this info lol
How do you even circumvent this?