I wish I had even some basic programming skills to help out. I think I made a turtle go in a circle once in 1993 ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Please let us know if you set up a patreon or the like - I'd be happy to contribute what little I can.
Tesseract: An Advanced Lemmy Client
The goal of Tesseract is to address as many things in Lemmy that annoy me as I can. I also trawl various "is there any way to [blank] in Lemmy?" posts to get feature ideas. Both of those lists are pretty extensive, so Tesseract has accumulated quite a few features.
Github: https://github.com/asimons04/Tesseract/
Hosted / Demo Instance: https://tesseract.dubvee.org/
Note that the hosted instance defaults to Lemmy World, but it is unlocked to be able to connect to any Lemmy server.
Announcements, support, and guidance for the Tesseract UI.
All instance rules apply here. Beyond that, just be civil and constructive.
I wish I had even some basic programming skills to help out. I think I made a turtle go in a circle once in 1993 ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Please let us know if you set up a patreon or the like - I'd be happy to contribute what little I can.
I think I made a turtle go in a circle once in 1993
Tess wouldn't not benefit from some spinning turtles lol.
Please let us know if you set up a patreon or the like
Probably not going to ever do that, but thanks. I'm even still directing donations to the Photon dev since Tess is a fork of an early version of that.
Sorry to hear. I hope someone with the ability to contribute offers their help. I really like using your frontend.
Can piefeed be a replacement for Lemmy? I thought it was image posting only?
Piefed and Pixelfed are different
It can remplace lemmy but not for users yet.
On some part Piefed outperform Lemmy. On some area they miss some options but they are pretty close.
Here are the missing part :
And 4 things that i need the most as a mod :
Piefed is better on those areas :
And few more that i missed. :)
I haven't done a full feature comparison, but it seems pretty close in terms of functionality. Its developer is also a much more level headed person than the people behind Lemmy.
I think you're thinking of Pixelfed for photos.
If your saying we get a lemmy like experience on pixelfed for discussions, I'm willing to spin it up and give it a whirl.
Right now, switching is just a tentative plan / wish since I'm sick of chasing the dragon with Lemmy. I need to see if there's a way to transform + import the Lemmy DB to Piefed along with all the public/private keys, etc before I can plan anything concrete. If it's not, then I'm not sure if I want to do a fresh start this late in the game (the alternative there would just be winding down my own instance which is not off the table).
@[email protected] (the PieFed dev) mentioned something about a DB migration, but it might have just been a "it should be possible" kind of thing (will have to see if I can dig that out of chat).