Since this is 'fedimemes', it's hopefully not too off-topic to mention that Lemmy isn't the only Fediverse platform, and client-side blocking (either with uBlock or with an app) isn't a very efficient way to do it. If your app is blocking keywords, then rather than just fetching 20 posts, it has to keep fetching an indeterminate number of posts until it has 20 posts that don't contain the keywords. Likewise, I'm guessing that if you're using uBlock, it means that a page that should have 20 posts just has however many pass the filters (which could conceivably be none of them).
Server-side filtering of keywords (like PieFed does, and probably other platforms do) is a more efficient way to handle the problem. It also means that filters can be applied for anonymous users, to give them a better first impression (so they don't just dismiss your site as one where every 2nd post is about some divisive American political figure).